Pre-Season Injury Prevention 

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

It’s pre-season training time already! That’s right, to prevent injuries this soccer season, we want you to start pre-season training as soon as you register for the season!

In the Sutherland Shire local area, soccer is one of the most played sports amongst the general population of all ages. At Physio Inq Engadine, we treat many injured sub-elite and recreational soccer players. A key component we identify as influencing these injuries is the lack of pre-season or in season training to prepare for the oncoming season. 

Unfortunately, the injury rate in sub-elite and recreational sportspersons far exceeds that of elite sportspersons. A recent study highlighted the staggering direct and indirect costs of injury in sub-elite soccer from 2018-2020: 

  • There was a total of 4145 total injury claims 
  • Joint sprains accrued the largest costs with knee injuries accounting for just under half of the total costs of all injuries over the three-season period (49.1%) 
  • ACL injuries accounted for 26.2% of total costs with a high mean cost per injury alongside lower limb fractures and tendon ruptures  

Pre-season training and minimising injury risk 

Another recent study highlighted that players who had a decreased pre-season fitness level, particularly VO2 max, had increased injury rates through the season. Greater numbers were seen in overuse injury, particularly within the second half of game play.  

What does this mean for you? It means your health professionals, like our Physiotherapists, should be gaining an understanding of your exercise and training habits in addition to the sports. If we can identify any poor pre-season or training habits, we should eagerly encourage you to better prepare for the next season, so your injury risk will decrease.

What we offer at Physio Inq Engadine 

At Physio Inq Engadine, we are big on pre-season and in season training to help minimise the risk of injury. We have a complete rehabilitation and performance gym on site in order to individually tailor training. We offer 1-1 training, or small group training with our onsite Exercise Physiologist. We would love to work with you to help minimise injury risk within our local sporting community. Get in touch! 


Eliakim, E., Doron, O., Meckel, Y., Nemet, D. and Eliakim, A., 2018. Pre-season fitness level and injury rate in professional soccer–a prospective study. Sports medicine international open, 2(03), pp.E84-E90. 

Ross, A.G., McKay, M.J., Pappas, E., Fortington, L. and Peek, K., 2022. Direct and indirect costs associated with injury in sub-elite football in Australia: a population study using 3 years of sport insurance records. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 25(9), pp.743-749. 

Physio Inq Written on behalf of Physio Inq Engadine

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